COVID-19 Safety Plan 2022-23
As we prepare for the 2022-23 school year, we are ever mindful of the impact of COVID on our schools. Below, please find our updated COVID-19 Safety Plan.
- All students and staff are asked to stay home when feeling ill or experiencing COVID-like symptoms.
- If your child has a temperature of 100.4 or higher, you will be asked to pick up your child from school and seek guidance from your healthcare provider.
- Masks will be optional, unless further guidance is provided. Masks will be available in the school office for students and staff who choose to wear one.
- Optional COVID rapid antigen tests will be available in the school office for those experiencing symptoms.
- Students and staff that test positive for COVID-19 or experience close contact to someone with COVID-19 should follow the isolation and masking recommendations outlined by the CDC.
- If you test positive, stay home for days 1-5. Students can return to school on day 6 as long as they are fever free and symptoms are improving. Students should wear a mask on days 6-10.
- For those who don’t want to mask after testing positive, please stay home and quarantine for 10 days.
- Please communicate all COVID-19 test results with the school office.
- Students who must quarantine due to a positive test, can receive their school work from the teacher.
We will continue to reinforce good health and hygiene protocols including cleaning and disinfecting schools on regularly scheduled intervals, providing proper ventilation and airflow throughout schools, reinforcing proper hand washing and cough etiquette practices. Hand sanitizer will be available for students and staff.
As a reminder, vaccinations are available to lessen the impact of future illness and are available for those who would like to receive a vaccine.
We will continue to monitor COVID-19 Community Levels and recommendations from the CDC and local health departments and adapt as necessary. However, we will no longer communicate positive COVID cases by class or to the school community.
Together, we can help keep COVID-19 out of our schools by staying home when sick, monitoring for symptoms, seeking testing and masking when in environments that are high-risk for COVID spread. Thank you for your cooperation and continued prayers for our school.