Technology is infused into all aspects of the school day. Computers, iPads, and interactive whiteboards are utilized in all classrooms. Technology is used to enrich the learning experience. The resources used to aid in teaching the curriculum, chosen by the administrative and teaching staff, is reflective of the school’s mission statement, philosophy, and goals.
ELL Support
Prince of Peace School strives to serve all students, providing English Language Learner (ELL) support for students who are acquiring the English language. Two reading specialists support the reading instruction of our students and participation in the Title I program provides supplemental reading instruction to students who are well below grade level in reading.
Music, Art & Physical Education
Music is a very powerful subject- It promotes teamwork, communication, self-esteem, creative thinking, imagination, discipline and study skills. Studies have proven that students who participate in a music education program develop better science and math skills. Prince of Peace provides both singing and musical instrument instruction for all its students.
Art creates space and time for creative expression, while helping students understand themselves and their culture. Artists, their messages, and their techniques are studied, then applied to students’ lessons. Participating in visual arts also improves skills in math, reading, and writing, along with communication and growth mindset.
The physical education and health of our students is a very important part of the Prince of Peace curriculum. We understand that regular physical activity is essential for healthy growth and development and can increase a students’ academic achievement. Our physical education program provides students with the skills and education to develop a lifelong commitment to be active and live a healthy lifestyle. Students also learn the importance of nutrition, skill development, self-discipline, improved judgement, stress-reduction, strengthened peer relationships, setting goals, improved self-confidence and self-esteem.