The quality of your child’s education at St. Catherine is enhanced through many hours of volunteering by parents and other supportive adults. Each St. Catherine School parent is asked to commit to a minimum of five hours of service during the school year. We welcome your service and invite you to find an area that best fits your interests and schedule. We host various special events throughout the school year that you can get involved in.
Besides special events or projects, there is always a need for volunteering during the school week as well. Consider assisting the office, library, building services or teachers. If you have time during the school day, contact the office and give them your name and availability.
Parents can also give service through participation in the Home and School Committee. St. Catherine Home and School Committee reflects the efforts to establish Parent/Guardian-Teacher relationships that benefit the students. The purpose of the Home and School Committee is to promote the well-rounded, holistic development of the students. The committee’s important tasks include supporting the philosophy and mission of the school, assisting with setting policies, and building and maintaining the confidence of the community. The Committee works in advisory collaboration with the Principal of the school and the Pastor and is accountable to the Parish Council and Parish Director/Pastor.